Friday, February 15, 2013

More metroid fan art!!

Bunch-o art comin' at ya! Maybe I'll  upload them on twitter, maybe. This also shows that there is still a big fanbase for metroid, its just Nintendo needing to wise up and see the fanebase.

I do not own this artwork and I'm not taking credit for it, all rights go to the creators of these prices of artwork.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My metroid walkthroughs have begun!

Yes I will be starting my metroid game walkthroughs starting on Feb. 9. The first game I will be walk through isn't really a game at all, but a demo for a game, that came with its predecessor. I went to gamestop today to get a new game. I was looking and all of a suddon metroid prime! "Oh wait, I already have that." But then it said metroid prime 2 demo. So with out any wait I got it for an impressive $4.00. And so to start my metroid walkthroughs and test how it will go, I will do a play through of the prime 2 demo on Feb 9. See you then, make sure to check back often for more metroid talk!

UPDATE: videos now posted!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Help make lego metroid into a real thing!

Help support metroid become a Lego series! This could show Nintendo that people still love metroid(even after the latest in the franchise...)! Only you can help! BTW those Lego metroids look nice.